Covering everything related to SEIU Local 503

Why so shy?

Scott's picture

Why are we downplaying the DAS Bargaining Conference? Yes, it's been 8 months of bargaining. Yes, it was very tough. So again I ask, why are we downplaying this very important next step in finalizing a contract for State agency workers?

There was a lot more hoopla last contract. I wasn't nearly as involved then, but I still remember hearing about the bargaining conference. I remember that I could have gone if I so chose.  read more »

DAS Bargaining Conference

Scott's picture

The DAS Bargaining Conference is coming up very soon! It will be held Saturday, August 15th, 2009 at the Holiday Inn at the Portland Airport. (The address is 8439 NE Columbia Blvd, Portland, OR 97220).

The conference runs from 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM.

Everyone is welcome. The Union only covers expenses for  bargaining delegates, officers, and a few others. Please refer to the attached Registration Form for more information.  read more »

Will you vote to ratify the DAS contract?

If you are part of the DAS coalition, do you plan to vote "yes" to ratify the contract?

100% (2 votes)
0% (0 votes)
Total voters: 2

DAS Bargaining Reaches Tentative Agreement

Scott's picture

The big news today is the announcement that the DAS bargaining teams have reached a tentative agreement. The following arrived by e-mail just before 3:00 AM this morning.

Dear SEIU member:

After eight months of negotiations, we have reached a tentative agreement with the State on a new two-year contract.

   read more »

The rumors of my death

Scott's picture

"The rumors of my death have been greatly exaggerated." - Mark Twain 

Earlier in July, we were asked if we knew that Leslie Frane--our Executive Director for Local 503--was leaving to take a job back east? That was news to the Eye. Since this wasn't coming from any of the regular union activist-types, we thought we better check into it. It sure sounded like a rumor, but you never know.  read more »

July Bargaining Update

Scott's picture

Latest Updates: 28-Jul-2009

No update from the bargaining table yet. However, there is an update scheduled for those that work in the Capital Mall area. If you do, there's a unity break and frisbee toss scheduled for this Wednesday, June 8th, 2009. Details below:  read more »

Take Two: What day will the State declare a bargaining impasse?

They didn't do it this week as anticipated. That leaves them with the opportunity to do so next week. When do you think they'll make the inevitable choice?

Tuesday, July 7, 2009
50% (1 vote)
Monday, July 6, 2009
50% (1 vote)
Total voters: 2
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